Todd pg go te other bay.
Hajar fren came.
Educate todd pg nursery and k1 chn on korean culture.
Dance to korean songs.
Had korean finger light sticks.
K2 went to our bay as ppl frm hq come for concert viewing.
Huang laoshi assist in looking aft k2.
Didnt have full rehearsal for music mania as mention by val. Hmmm.
At 11, k2 chn stil nt back at our bay. Hmmm. Ms rai, ppl frm hq, tcr val and wu laoshi stil have meeting abt k2 concert. Hmmm.
So we had lunch at k2 class.
Didnt knw k2 alrdy done with k2 concert and is out at pavillion practising for music mania until huang lao shi return to nursery class. Hmmm.
Why cant val or wu lao shi pass by to inform us tt we can use our classroom nw. Hmmm.
Anyway, todd pg went back to our classes for shower and nap.
Oh ya, huang lao shi cried :(
Bcuz ms rai reprimanded her for not able to control k2.
Hmmmm. Its quite unfair to scold huang lao shi since she didnt interact much with k2.moreover, tcr val and wu lao shi did not do a super great job in controlling the k2 too!!
Its a chaotic day.
I ordered dry food!
But cant fax over! Duno wats the problem!
I called tss, they ask me email over.
But i cant use laptop.
Cuz K1 n k2 go jamaya home, so tcr val nt in sch. So no laptop! Hmmm.
Went home to scan thefood order and email them instead!